Cichlid sisters swim together in order to reach the goal

The manner and routes of dispersal vary with the species and the ecological conditions. Many fish form shoals to avoid predation. Shoaling with familiar conspecifics affords the fish an even greater advantage by increasing ...

Study finds fish just wanna have fun

Fish just want to have fun, according to a University of Tennessee, Knoxville, study that finds even fish "play."

Cichlid fish genome helps tell story of adaptive evolution

( —Roughly 40 million years ago, a handful of species of fish from the Nile River went into three lakes in Africa and experienced an unusual flurry of evolution. In one of these lakes as many as 500 new species ...

Competition breeds new fish species, study finds

Competition may play an important role during the evolution of new species, but empirical evidence for this is scarce, despite being implicit in Charles Darwin's work and support from theoretical studies.

Sandcastle-building fish offer evolution clue

( —In Lake Malawi, East Africa, there are around 200 different species of cichlid fish that once or twice a year build large sand structures (known as bowers) on which the fish mate. Each different species constructs ...

Lizards show evolution is predictable

If you could hit the reset button on evolution and start over, would essentially the same species appear? Yes, according to a study of Caribbean lizards by researchers at the University of California, Davis, Harvard University ...

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