Cicada wings help researchers design better solar cells

(—Researchers have turned to cicada wings to design surfaces with highly antireflective properties, which have potential applications for solar cells, stealth surfaces, antifogging materials, and other optical ...

The buzz on cicada killers

You might have noticed some large wasps in your yard or on campus this summer. These wasps are known as cicada killers, identified by their size and their black abdomens with three yellow spots on either side, rather than ...

Tiny Bacteria Secret to Cicada's Success

( -- John McCutcheon remembers the song of the cicada - the loudest song in the insect world - as the sound track to countless summer hours spent playing outside his childhood home in Rockford, Ill.

The cicadas are rising: US invasion in 5, 4, 3...

The hordes are rising. A cicada invasion is imminent in the US, with millions of the large cricket-like insects poised to emerge from the earth after 17 years lying in wait. The first of the bugs that are expected to blanket ...

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