Physicist Marcelo Gleiser: 'Science does not kill God'

The annual Templeton Prize, which recognizes outstanding contributions to "affirming life's spiritual dimension," was awarded Tuesday to Brazilian Marcelo Gleiser—a theoretical physicist dedicated to demonstrating science ...

At Jesus's birthplace, an app is born to ease crowds

Bethlehem is buzzing, with more tourists expected this Christmas than have visited the Biblical city in years, causing the kind of problem that modern technology was almost born to deal with.

Hidden history of Rome revealed under world's first cathedral

Supported throughout by the British School at Rome the team—drawn from Newcastle University, UK, the universities of Florence and Amsterdam and the Vatican Museums—have been able to bring the splendour of successive transformations ...

UK church spires used to boost phone, wi-fi signal

Church spires across Britain will be used to boost broadband, mobile phone and WiFi connectivity in rural areas, under a deal struck between the government and the Church of England, it was announced Sunday.

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