Experts uncover hidden layers of Jesus' tomb site

In the innermost chamber of the site said to be the tomb of Jesus, a restoration team has peeled away a marble layer for the first time in centuries in an effort to reach what it believes is the original rock surface where ...

Where you vote may influence how you vote, researchers find

Passersby who stopped to answer surveys taken next to churches in the Netherlands and England reported themselves as more politically conservative and more negative toward non-Christians than did people questioned within ...

Human skull study causes evolutionary headache

Scientists studying a unique collection of human skulls have shown that changes to the skull shape thought to have occurred independently through separate evolutionary events may have actually precipitated each other.

Archaeologists find 1,500-year-old Jerusalem street

Archaeologists said on Wednesday they have found a 1,500-year-old Jerusalem road that was once a bustling throughfare used by throngs of Christian pilgrims and which is depicted on a famed mosaic map of the Holy Land.

The man who could have been Henry VIII

( -- This year has seen the 500th anniversary of Henry VIII's accession, and the start of the third television series of The Tudors -- yet we might so easily have been celebrating King Arthur I instead of arguably ...

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