Bull ant evolves new way to target pain

Australian bull ants have evolved a venom molecule perfectly tuned to target one of their predators—the echidna—that also could have implications for people with long-term pain, University of Queensland researchers say.

Treating rheumatoid arthritis with micromotors

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder marked by joint pain, swelling and damage. Although medications, such as steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs and immunosuppressants, can help slow joint destruction and ...

Study sets baseline for sleep patterns in healthy adult dogs

A new canine sleep study from North Carolina State University could serve as a baseline for research on chronic pain and cognitive dysfunction in dogs, potentially improving detection and treatment of these conditions.

Insects feel chronic pain after injury

Associate Professor Greg Neely and his team of pain researchers in the Charles Perkins Centre have found compelling evidence that insects feel persistent pain after injury.

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