Related topics: heart disease

The Five Horsemen of the Modern World

Global warming, food shortages, water shortages and quality, chronic illness and obesity - these worldwide crises share striking similarities: each is getting worse, despite extensive and concerted efforts to control them. ...

Cataloguing 10 million human gut microbial genes

Over the past several years, research on bacteria in the digestive tract (gut microbiome) has confirmed the major role they play in our health. An international consortium, in which INRA participates, has developed the most ...

New compound prevents first steps of fungal infection

Targeting serious and sometimes deadly fungal infections, a team of researchers at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) has discovered a chemical compound that prevents ...

Stash of stem cells found in a human parasite

(—The parasites that cause schistosomiasis, one of the most common parasitic infections in the world, are notoriously long-lived. Researchers have now found stem cells inside the parasite that can regenerate worn-down ...

Israelis aim to 'fix world' with custom cannabis

At the end of an unpaved road, in a quiet suburb of a sleepy town in northern Israel, horticultural revolutionaries are growing a strain of cannabis they say relieves symptoms of some chronic illnesses but without the psychotic ...

Could air travel be linked to deaths on ground?

The atmosphere is full of natural and man-made chemicals, including emissions from fuel combustion and byproducts of living organisms. Many of these chemicals combine in the atmosphere to form tiny solid and liquid particles ...

Peer-to-peer heart monitoring

The possibility of remote monitoring for chronically ill patients will soon become a reality. Now, researchers in South Africa and Australia have devised a decentralized system to avoid medical data overload. They describe ...

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