Disrupting communication in infectious bacteria

Chemists in Konstanz have inhibited the biosynthesis of a bacterial signal and, as a result, blocked the infectious properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the most common germ found in health care facilities.

New research highlights aging dog health care needs

New research from the University of Liverpool shows that dog owners think many important changes in their older pets are "just old age," when actually they are signs of serious health problems.

Video: Handheld diagnostics

Sam Sia, associate professor of Biomedical Engineering, and his team developed a smartphone dongle to bring diagnostic testing to remote areas where health care access is limited and funds are low.

Migrants need better access to health care in Europe: WHO

Europe must guarantee migrants better access to health care, the World Health Organization urged Monday in its first report on the health of new arrivals to the old continent, where accessibility varies broadly.

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