Strength in numbers for 3-D printing

Additive manufacturing, also called 3-D printing, is commonly used to build complex three-dimensional objects, layer by layer. A*STAR researchers have shown that the process can also help to make a high-performance alloy ...

200 million people at risk from toxic pollution

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide risk exposure to toxic pollution, environmental groups warned Monday, publishing a list of the world's worst areas, including an African processing site for European electronics.

Filtering out toxic chromium from water

Hexavalent chromium continues to contaminate water sources around the world, with one US company fined just this February for putting employees at risk. Hexavalent chromium is considered to be extremely toxic, especially ...

Groundwater Cleanup at Superfund Site

( -- A chain of chemical reactions between organic waste and naturally occurring chromium appears to explain the long-standing elevated levels of the chemical chromium-6, a human carcinogen, in groundwater at ...

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