Black Friday: On your mark, get set, go!

( -- For most Americans, Thanksgiving Day means a flurry of food, family and football. But the real frenzy begins the day after, say researchers at the University of Michigan and Western Michigan University.

How the tablet generation is pushing networks to the edge

With Christmas expected to bring another leap in ownership of tablets, smartphones and other devices, new research from Bell Labs (download the PDF), the research arm of Alcatel-Lucent suggests that increasing consumption ...

Twitter maps UK regions happiest about Christmas

Researchers at The University of Manchester have identified Doncaster as being the most positive city in the UK about Christmas, whilst Oxford is the most negative.

Cilantro ingredient can remove foul odor of holiday chitlins

With chitlins about to make their annual appearance on Christmas and New Year's Day menus, scientists have good news for millions of people who love that delicacy of down-home southern cooking, but hate the smell. They are ...

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