Discovery of naturally chiral surfaces for safer pharmaceuticals

In the 1960s, the sedative thalidomide was widely popular as one of the only non-barbiturate, over-the-counter sleep-aids on the market. When doctors started noticing that it also helped alleviate morning sickness in pregnant ...

Chemists are able to induce uniform chirality

Chirality is a fundamental property of many organic molecules and means that chemical compounds can appear in not only one form, but in two mirror-image forms as well. Chemists at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg ...

Unique method creates correct mirror image of molecule

Many molecules have a right and a left form, just like shoes. In pharmaceuticals, it is important that the correct form of the molecule is used. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have been able to produce ...

Making it easier to differentiate mirror-image molecules

Using a new method, scientists are better able to distinguish between mirror-image substances. This is important amongst others in drug development, because the two variants can cause completely different effects in the human ...

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