Discovery of naturally chiral surfaces for safer pharmaceuticals

In the 1960s, the sedative thalidomide was widely popular as one of the only non-barbiturate, over-the-counter sleep-aids on the market. When doctors started noticing that it also helped alleviate morning sickness in pregnant ...

A fresh twist in chiral topology

The concept of chirality is well-established in science: when an object cannot be superimposed on its mirror image, both the object and its mirror image are called chiral. In the drug industry, for instance, more than 50% ...

Chemists are able to induce uniform chirality

Chirality is a fundamental property of many organic molecules and means that chemical compounds can appear in not only one form, but in two mirror-image forms as well. Chemists at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg ...

An astonishing parabola trick

Prospective digital data storage devices predominantly rely on novel fundamental magnetic phenomena. The better we understand these phenomena, the better and more energy efficient the memory chips and hard drives we can build. ...

Manipulating electron spin using artificial molecular motors

Artificial molecular switches and machines have undergone rapid advances over the past several decades. Particularly, artificial molecular motors are highly attractive from the viewpoint of chirality switching during rotational ...

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