Ultrafast sonograms shed new light on rapid phase transitions

An international team of physicists has developed a method for taking ultrafast 'sonograms' that can track the structural changes that take place within solid materials in trillionth-of-a-second intervals as they go through ...

Analysts warn that FTC suit could damage Intel

The Federal Trade Commission's lawsuit against Intel Wednesday -- the most far-reaching in a string of recent regulatory actions -- poses a huge threat to the Santa Clara, Calif., chip giant and could reshape the semiconductor ...

Intel hit with more antitrust charges in FTC suit

(AP) -- The Federal Trade Commission piled on new antitrust charges against Intel Corp. on Wednesday, seeking to end what it described as a decade of illegal sales tactics that have crippled rivals and kept prices for computer ...

Hankering for molecular electronics? Grab the new NIST sandwich

The sandwich recipe recently concocted by scientists working at the National Institute of Standards and Technology may prove tasty for computer chip designers, who have long had an appetite for molecule-sized electronic components ...

Chip sales down 30 pct in March: SIA

Global semiconductor sales fell nearly 30 percent in March compared with a year ago but improved slightly over the previous month, the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) said Friday.

'Collapse' in semiconductor demand hits ASML

Dutch computer chip equipment maker ASML on Wednesday announced net losses for the first quarter after a collapse in sales, but said it saw signs of improving market conditions.

Semiconductor sales down 28.6 pct in January: SIA

Worldwide semiconductor sales declined 28.6 percent in January from a year ago as the global recession continued to take a big bite out of the computer chip industry, an industry tracker said Monday.

Researchers create green solvent to boost lignin applications

Lignin, the glue that holds fibers together in trees and plants, is one of the most common yet one of the most complex biocomposites, because there are so many variants and qualities. Its heterogeneous chemical structure ...

Bio-inspired textiles promote sustainable fashion

While color is one of the primary indicators of sales success within the fashion industry, it's also one of the world's largest sources of water pollution. In fact, textile mills often dump residual dyes and hazardous chemicals ...

Light-emitting silicon for photonic computing

If computers transmitted data using photons instead of electrons, they would perform better and use less power. European researchers are now studying a new light-emitting alloy of silicon and germanium to obtain photonic ...

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