Cameroon pangolin traffickers caught in the act

Police in Cameroon have shut down an international poaching gang after catching six traffickers carrying more than 700 kilos of pangolin scales, a conservation group said Tuesday.

Hong Kong shops defy ban on trade in pangolin scales

On a winding Hong Kong street where shops keep a dizzying array of dried produce, one highly valued ingredient is still being sold despite being subject to an international ban: deep-fried scales of endangered pangolins.

Pet-friendly China acupuncturist gets tails wagging again

Looking like a furry brown pincushion, eight-month-old French bulldog "Dan Jiao" whimpers nervously as he waits for the end of a Chinese acupuncture session aimed at curing partial paralysis caused by a puppyhood injury.

Human-wildlife conflict in India: 1 human killed every day

A deadly conflict is underway between India's growing masses and its wildlife, confined to ever-shrinking forests and grasslands, with data showing that about one person has been killed every day for the past three years ...

Malaysia seizes big shipment of rhino horns at airport

Enforcement officials in Malaysia have seized 18 rhinoceros horns imported from Mozambique, weighing 51.4 kg and worth 13.7 million ringgit ($3.1 million), a senior customs official said Monday.

Gumtree bans donkey sales in S.Africa over skin trade

Online sales website Gumtree said Monday that it had banned advertisements offering donkeys in South Africa to prevent inhumane killings of the animals to meet Chinese demand for their skins.

The problem and potential solution of combining drugs

Drugs are combined in endless ways—chemotherapy and anti-nausea pills; Advil and multivitamins; blood pressure medication and anti-depressants. Include treatments such as the herbs and acupuncture of traditional Chinese ...

Indonesian police seize tiger skin, deer genitals

Three Indonesian men have been arrested for allegedly trading in protected species, with police seizing animal parts including a tiger skin, deer genitalia and pangolin scales, an official said Monday.

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