US zoo names panda cub 'Bao Bao'—or 'Treasure'

Washington's National Zoo named its giant panda cub Bao Bao on Sunday but fans will have to wait a month before they can get their first glimpse of the furry creature.

Boy oh boy! Twin male pandas charm Berlin zoo

The cuteness level at Berlin Zoo doubled on Monday when a pair of twin panda cubs made their public debut, with the zoo revealing the cuddly bundles of fur were both boys.

A second ascent of chemistry's Mt. Everest

In science's equivalent of ascending Mt. Everest, researchers are reporting success in one of the most difficult challenges in synthetic chemistry—a field in which scientists reproduce natural and other substances from ...

Malaysia makes massive seizure of pangolin scales

Malaysian authorities seized about six tonnes of pangolin scales and smashed a smuggling syndicate, officials said Wednesday, as the country clamps down on rampant wildlife trafficking.

Discovery of a drug to rescue winter depression-like behavior

A group of animal biologists and chemists at the Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya University, has used a chemical genomics approach to explore the underlying mechanism of winter depression-like ...

Bears at risk due to mining, poaching: wildlife group

The populations of four vulnerable bear species have fallen by at least 30 percent in the last 30 years due to rampant deforestation, mining and poaching, a conservation group said on Monday.

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