Chimpanzees develop 'specialized tool kits' to catch army ants

Chimpanzees in the Congo have developed specialised 'tool kits' to forage for army ants, reveals new research published today in the American Journal of Primatology. This not only provides the first direct evidence of multiple ...

Chimps, like humans, focus on faces

A chimp's attention is captured by faces more effectively than by bananas. A series of experiments described in BioMed Central's open access journal Frontiers in Zoology suggests that the apes are wired to respond to faces ...

Here's one I made earlier: Chimps learn from watching videos

( -- Lots of species have been discovered to use simple tools. Some birds use twigs to pull grubs out of their hiding places, and chimpanzees will strip leaves from branches to fish for termites - but is making ...

Humans related to orangutans, not chimps

New evidence underscores the theory of human origin that suggests humans most likely share a common ancestor with orangutans, according to research from the University of Pittsburgh and the Buffalo Museum of Science. Reporting ...

Owners struggle to find sanctuaries for chimps

(AP) -- Russ Cochran fondly recalls the fun he had with his chimpanzee when the animal was younger, taking him for rides in the car and to his cabin on the river. Boaters would stop to see Sammy, who would jump in canoes ...

Hippo's island life helps explain dwarf hobbit (w/Video)

Ancient Madagascan hippos have shed light on the origins of the small brain of the 1-metre-tall human, known as the hobbit, scientists at the Natural History Museum report in the journal Nature today.

Wild chimpanzees exchange meat for sex

Wild female chimpanzees copulate more frequently with males who share meat with them over long periods of time, according to a study led by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, ...

Bird can 'read' human gaze

We all know that people sometimes change their behavior when someone is looking their way. Now, a new study reported online on April 2nd in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, shows that jackdaws—birds related to ...

Researchers develop a structural approach to exploring DNA

A team led by researchers from Boston University and the National Institutes of Health has developed a new method for uncovering functional areas of the human genome by studying DNA's three-dimensional structure -- a topographical ...

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