Chimpanzees are spontaneously generous after all

Researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center have shown chimpanzees have a significant bias for prosocial behavior. This, the study authors report, is in contrast to previous studies that positioned chimpanzees ...

20-million-year-old ape skull unearthed in Uganda

A team of Ugandan and French paleontologists announced Tuesday they had found a 20-million-year-old ape skull in northeastern Uganda, saying it could shed light on the region's evolutionary history.

Mandrill monkey creates tool for a pedicure (w/ video)

( -- In a recent paper published in Behavioural Processes, scientists reveal a film of a mandrill monkey creating a tool from a stick in order to remove dirt from underneath its toenails. This new finding shows ...

Baboons prefer dining with friends

Mealtimes can be a fraught business for the wild baboons of the Namib Desert. There's little food about, which means they have to share. Unsurprisingly, skirmishes often break out.

Captive chimpanzees show signs of compromised mental health

( -- New research from the University of Kent, UK, has shown that serious behavioural abnormalities, some of which could be compared to mental illness in humans, are endemic among captive chimpanzees.

Parrots display teamwork and decision-making skills

( -- In a new study published in the journal Animal Cognition, Dr. Dalila Bovet from Paris West University Nanterre La Defense showed how African grey parrots are capable of cooperating and performing tasks as ...

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