Neighboring chimp communities have their own nut-cracking styles

People don't always do as their neighbors do, and the same is true of neighboring chimpanzees. That's according to a report published online on May 10 in Current Biology featuring observations of wild chimps as they used ...

Adolescent male chimps still need their mamas

Even kids who are nearly grown still need a parental figure to help them navigate the long path to adulthood—and our closest animal relatives are no exception.

Dwindling space for Africa's great apes

Over the last 30 years, great ape numbers have plummeted across Africa, due to increasing rates of commercial hunting, habitat destruction, and disease. A continent-wide, data-based overview of their habitats is now possible, ...

Hunting for meat impacts on rainforest

Hunting for meat in the African rainforests has halved the number of primates. However, the hunting also has other negative consequences. The decline in the number of primates causes a reduction in the dispersal of seed by ...

After merger, chimpanzees learned new grunt for 'apple'

Chimpanzees have special grunts for particular types of foods, and their fellow chimps know exactly what those calls mean. Now, by studying what happened after two separate groups of adult chimpanzees moved in together at ...

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