Researchers find first proof of menopause in wild chimpanzees

A team of researchers studying the Ngogo community of wild chimpanzees in western Uganda's Kibale National Park for two decades has published a report in Science showing that females in this population can experience menopause ...

Scientists map hotspots for genetic exchange in chimpanzees

Scientists at the University of Oxford and the University of Chicago have constructed the world's first genetic map in chimpanzees of recombination – the exchange of genetic material within a chromosome that makes us ...

In Brief: Human evolution and big babies

Ancient human ancestors (hominids) may have birthed larger babies and developed intense and shared styles of infant care--characteristics that distinguish humans from the great apes -- prior to the evolution of the human ...

Study shows chimps able to understand needs of others

( -- By setting up a unique experiment, a small team of researchers has found that chimpanzees are able to understand need in other chimps, despite their general disinclination to offer aid when they see it. Shinya ...

Chimpanzees sniff out strangers and family members

Chemical communication is widely used in the animal kingdom to convey social information. For example, animals use olfactory cues to recognize group or family members, or to choose genetically suitable mates. In contrast ...

Acclaimed primatologist Frans de Waal dies at 75: Emory

Primatologist Frans de Waal, whose study of chimpanzees and apes helped reveal the reconciliatory and empathic nature of primates—including humans—has died at age 75, said the university where he worked for decades.

Human brain evolution, new insight through X-rays

A paper published today in Science reveals the highest resolution and most accurate X-ray scan ever made of the brain case of an early human ancestor. The insight derived from this data is like a powerful beacon on the hazy ...

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