Chimpanzees have not entered the stone age

Unlike early human species, chimpanzees do not seem to be able to spontaneously make and use sharp stone tools, even when they have all the materials and incentive to do so. That was the finding of a study of a total of eleven ...

New bonobo genome fine tunes great ape evolution studies

Chimpanzees and bonobos diverged comparatively recently in great ape evolutionary history. They split into different species about 1.7 million years ago. Some of the distinctions between chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and bonobo ...

Human antibiotic use threatens endangered wild chimpanzees

It's well established that infectious disease is the greatest threat to the endangered chimpanzees made famous by the field studies of Jane Goodall at Gombe National Park in Tanzania. Now, new research led by scientists at ...

Chimpanzees unite against a common enemy

In the face of threats from other groups, humans become more cohesive and cooperative with their own, an association that Charles Darwin suggested could be an evolved capacity. Now a research group at Kyoto University has ...

Chimpanzee friends fight together to battle rivals

Chimpanzees, one of the closest relatives of humans, cooperate on a group level—in combative disputes, they even cooperate with group members to whom they are not related. Those involved in fights with neighboring groups ...

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