Related topics: quake · earthquake

Rare images of red sprites captured at ESO

At the ESO's observatories located high in the Atacama Desert of Chile, amazing images of distant objects in the Universe are captured on a regular basis. But in January 2015, ESO photo ambassador Petr Horálek captured some ...

What are the biggest telescopes in the world (and space)?

When you want to watch the sky, size really matters. The more light a telescope can collect, the more information we can get about stars, galaxies, quasars, or whatever the heck else we want to take a look at.

Innovation in Chilean vegetable and flower sector

It all began with a question from Wageningen UR Chile, the South American branch of Wageningen UR: "Is there expertise in the Netherlands to assist Chilean vegetable growers in modernising their businesses?" A three-year ...

Poor fish harvests more frequent now off California coast

As a child in southern California, Ryan Rykaczewski spent a fair amount of time on his grandfather's boat, fishing with him off the Pacific coast near Los Angeles. At the time, he didn't think there was much rhyme or reason ...

Study reveals economic impact of El Nino

( —El Niño has a significant impact on the world and local economies - and not always for the worst - and countries should plan ahead to mitigate its effects, according to a new Working Paper from the University ...

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