Related topics: quake ยท earthquake

Chile's 'Power-opedia' shines light on elites

Journalists and concerned citizens can now trawl for conflicts of interest among Chile's political and business elites thanks to a new startup based on Wikipedia.

'Could the August riots have been predicted?'

A University of Manchester team researching urban violence has developed a new method which can help city authorities to assess the conditions where conflict could potentially tip into violence.

ESA tests self-steering rover in 'Mars' desert

( -- ESA assembled a top engineering team then challenged them to devise a way for rovers to navigate on alien planets. Six months later, a fully autonomous vehicle was charting its own course through Chile’s ...

A cluster within a cluster

( -- The star cluster NGC 6604 is shown in this new image taken by the Wide Field Imager attached to the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at the La Silla Observatory in Chile. It is often overlooked in favour of its more ...

Ten arrests in global child porn network

Ten people have been arrested in France, Italy, Portugal and the United States in an Italian-led inquiry into an online child porn network operating in 28 countries, investigators said Thursday.

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