Paraguay confirms bird flu cases

Cases of bird flu have been detected in backyard chickens in Paraguay, authorities said Saturday.

Boosting chickens' own immune response could curb disease

Broiler chicken producers the world over are all too familiar with coccidiosis, a parasite-borne intestinal disease that stalls growth and winnows flocks. Various approaches, developed over decades, have been used to control ...

Research illuminates embryonic stem cell fate

USC postdoctoral researcher Xi Chen knows that you have to break a few eggs in order to grow chicken stem cells. His work on maintaining embryonic stem cells (ESC) from chicken eggs provides insight into stem cell pluripotency ...

Contact between wild birds and backyard chickens is risky

Wild birds come into contact with backyard chicken flocks more frequently than people realize, creating a pathway for pathogens to transmit back and forth, according to new research from the University of Georgia. Such pathways ...

New twist on ex ovo culture in bird

Birds, such as the chicken, provide an excellent model for the study of many developmental processes, and remain one of the most commonly studied species in classical embryology. The earliest stages of avian embryonic development ...

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