Feather fibers fluff up hydrogen storage capacity

Scientists in Delaware say they have developed a new hydrogen storage method -- carbonized chicken feather fibers -- that can hold vast amounts of hydrogen, a promising but difficult to corral fuel source, and do it at a ...

Passover's matzoh ball soup may be good for your health

With the Jewish holiday of Passover beginning at sundown next Wednesday, April 8, a staple of the traditional dinner -- chicken soup with matzoh balls -- may take on medicinal importance based on findings published in the ...

Free-range chickens are more prone to disease

Chickens kept in litter-based housing systems, including free-range chickens, are more prone to disease than chickens kept in cages, according to a study published in BioMed Central's open access journal Acta Veterinaria ...

Clothing to crow about: Chicken feather suits and dresses

In the future, you may snuggle up in warm, cozy sweats made of chicken feathers or jeans made of wheat, enjoying comfortable, durable new fabrics that are "green" and environmentally friendly. Researchers in Australia are ...

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