Storing energy with eggshells

Biowaste in the form of chicken eggshells has proved to be very effective for energy storage. This finding was made by an international team of researchers, including scientists of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) established ...

Feeding apple waste to chickens may boost their health

An apple a day may keep the livestock veterinarian away. Juice, pulp and other waste from Empire apples, when injected into chicken eggs before hatching, show signs of boosting the animal's intestinal health, according to ...

Egg-based flu vaccines: Not all they're cracked up to be?

Flu season is underway in the Northern Hemisphere, sickening millions of people and in rare cases, causing hospitalization or death. The best prevention is a flu shot, but it's not unusual for these vaccines to be less effective ...

Research illuminates embryonic stem cell fate

USC postdoctoral researcher Xi Chen knows that you have to break a few eggs in order to grow chicken stem cells. His work on maintaining embryonic stem cells (ESC) from chicken eggs provides insight into stem cell pluripotency ...

Automated comfort for free-range hens

A new control system from Siemens is providing free-range hens with more comfort and also reducing their risk of infection. The system automatically controls the daily routine - e.g. feeding, lighting changes, and chicken ...

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