Even low-level PCBs change bird songs

It may not kill them outright, but low-level PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) contamination disrupts how some birds sing their songs, report Cornell researchers.

Chickadees Tweet About Themselves

A short tweet from a chickadee can tell other birds their sex, species and geographic location, according to new research.

Traffic noise reduces birds' response to alarm calls

Pollution can take many forms—including noise. Excess noise in the environment from sources such as traffic can have negative effects on animals that rely on sound to communicate and get information about their surroundings. ...

Hybrid chickadees found deficient at learning and memory

For a long time, hybridization—when distinct species mate and produce offspring—was thought to be a mistake. Yet, advancements in genomic testing tools have revealed naturally occurring hybridization as a fairly common ...

Scientists: Beak deformities increase in Northwest

(AP) -- Scientists have observed the highest rate of beak abnormalities ever recorded in wild bird populations in Alaska and the Northwest, a study by two federal scientists said.

Mountain birds beat the odds

Mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli), a North American bird in the tit family, store away food for later occasions. These birds are found at different elevations where varying winter conditions are experienced. Previous ...

'Birds of a feather' may need rewritten

(PhysOrg.com) -- The old proverb, "Birds of a feather flock together," might be in need of a rewrite, according to University of Alberta findings about chickadees. Researchers have divided chickadees into two personality ...

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