Banned pollutants are still found in sparrowhawks

High levels of polluting chemicals which are used as flame retardants have been detected in the livers of sparrowhawks in the UK. So-called PBDEs (Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers) are a group of 209 closely related chemicals ...

Long-tailed tits help each other out

Long-tailed tits which lose their eggs or young may help to feed neighbours' chicks, researchers have found. But the degree to which they'll co-operate varies from year to year.

Mother's little helpers let her relax

Having relations around to help look after the kids lets mothers ease off and save energy for the next lot, a study of Australian cooperative birds shows.

Frogs' bright colors cue scientists to diversity

Tiny poison dart frogs living wild in Panama may provide clues about relatively rapid biodiversification, says Tulane University evolutionary biologist Corinne “Cori” Richards-Zawacki. Her team of students has ...

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