Big-mouthed babies drove the evolution of giant island snakes

Some populations of tiger snakes stranded for thousands of years on tiny islands surrounding Australia have evolved to be giants, growing to nearly twice the size of their mainland cousins. Now, new research in The American ...

Birds benefit from knowing their neighbors

Being on good terms with your neighbors well certainly has its benefits. They might water your plants while you're on holiday, feed the cat, or even put your bins out.

Researchers reveal baby-killer birds

( -- The mysterious behaviour of female Eclectus parrots killing their sons immediately after they hatch has been unravelled by a team of researchers from the Australian National University.

Caterpillars aren't so bird brained after all

( -- Caterpillars that masquerade as twigs to avoid becoming a bird's dinner are actually using clever behavioural strategies to outwit their predators, according to a new study.

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