Defects make catalysts perfect

There is now one less mystery in chemical production plants. For many decades industry has been producing methanol on a large scale from a mixture of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, as well as hydrogen. An international ...

Scientists discover new fat over lunch

Uncovering new fats, or lipids, with links to diseases in the human lens is as easy as taking a lunch break, according to chemists from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Free Radical Chemistry and Biotechnology at the University ...

Nanostarfruits are pure gold for research

( -- They look like fruit, and indeed the nanoscale stars of new research at Rice University have tasty implications for medical imaging and chemical sensing.

Keeping track to selenium metabolism

Spanish and Danish researchers have developed a method for the in vivo study of the unknown metabolism of selenium, an essential element for living beings. The technique can help clarify whether or not it possesses the anti-tumour ...

The computer knows its chemistry

New software developed by ETH Zurich researchers has learned important rules of chemistry. The scientists can use it to simulate the chemical synthesis of molecules in a computer and develop completely new medicines based ...

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