Video: How pee brought you the modern world

You might not believe it, but there was a time when urine, yes urine, was prized by chemists. Pee played a part in some of the most significant discoveries in science, and it helped shape the modern world.

'Diamonds from the sky' approach turns CO2 into valuable products

Finding a technology to shift carbon dioxide (CO2 ), the most abundant anthropogenic greenhouse gas, from a climate change problem to a valuable commodity has long been a dream of many scientists and government officials. ...

Video: The science behind the smell of the sea

There's nothing like the smell of salty sea air over summer vacation. But instead of frolicking on the beach, a group of chemists is researching the compounds inside that air. Sea spray aerosols (SSAs) are created with every ...

Video: Keeping cool without killing the planet

We've had the delightful benefits of air conditioning and refrigeration for more than a hundred years now. In the early days, dangerous chemicals were used as refrigerants. Eventually, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were developed.

Video: How can you see an atom?

Since ancient Greek times, philosophers and scientists have pondered the atom. For a couple thousand years, humans could only speculate on the structure and other properties of the smallest unit of matter. It wasn't until ...

Quick, easy and early diagnosis with rare earth ions

Lack of oxygen in cells is an indicator of diseases as serious as cerebral haemorrhages, stroke and cancer. Regrettably measuring real-time oxygen concentration in living tissue is difficult with current technologies. Now ...

Chemists uncover powerful new click chemistry reactivity

Chemists led by Nobel laureate K. Barry Sharpless at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have used his click chemistry to uncover unprecedented, powerful reactivity for making new drugs, diagnostics, plastics, smart materials ...

Sea surface is a sink for nitrogen oxides at night

The surface of the sea takes up nitrogen oxides that build up in polluted air at night, new measurements on the coast of southern California have shown. The ocean removes about 15 percent of these chemicals overnight along ...

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