A new catalyst for ethanol made from biomass

Researchers in the Pacific Northwest have developed a new catalyst material that could replace chemicals currently derived from petroleum and be the basis for more environmentally friendly products including octane-boosting ...

2013 economic outlook for global chemical industry

The 2013 outlook for the global chemical industry—a $3 trillion enterprise that impacts virtually every other sector of the economy—is the topic of the cover story in this week's edition of Chemical & Engineering News. ...

Five ways chemicals can save the world from climate change

When it comes to the environment, the chemical industry doesn't have the best reputation. Yet it has a vital role to play in developing technological solutions to help save us from climate catastrophe, and could create significant ...

Scientists make plastic more degradable under UV light

Many plastics that are labeled as biodegradable are only compostable under industrial conditions, but scientists at the University of Bath have now found a way to make plastics break down using only UV light.

How the chemical industry can meet the climate goals

ETH researchers analyzed various possibilities for reducing the net CO2 emissions of the chemical industry to zero. Their conclusion? The chemical industry can in fact have a carbon-neutral future.

New model to help valorize lignin for bio-based applications

Woody biomass and wheat straw are all sources of the natural polymer lignin with more than 50 megatons of lignin produced annually at commercial scale. However, most is burned to produce energy, which alternatively could ...

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