X-ray 'prism' explores chemical changes at the molecular scale

(Phys.org)—Research at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory demonstrates that ultrashort, ultrabright X-ray laser pulses can reveal details of chemically important molecules at room temperature and in their natural state. ...

Wood completely broken down into its component parts

Crude oil is getting scarce. This is why researchers are seeking to substitute petroleum-based products - like plastics - with sustainable raw materials. Waste wood, divided into lignin and cellulose, could serve as a raw ...

Multi-talented enzyme—produced on large-scale

Papayas are delicious and healthy – and they contain papain, an enzyme that is isolated from the fruit and used in countless industries. They are used for brewing beer, the handling of meat products, the treating of wool ...

Lubricants from vegetable oil

Epoxides are highly reactive organic compounds comprised of a triple ring with two carbon atoms and one oxygen atom. Among other things, the chemicals industry uses them for the production of lubricants for vehicles and engines, ...

Biorefining: The new green wave

Biorefineries and "green chemistry" seem to have a credible future built on a wide range of applications such as cosmetics, plastics and detergents.

Coconut oil could combat tooth decay

Digested coconut oil is able to attack the bacteria that cause tooth decay. It is a natural antibiotic that could be incorporated into commercial dental care products, say scientists presenting their work at the Society for ...

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