New device could make diagnosing disease as simple as breathing

( —A range of diseases and conditions, from asthma to liver disease, could be diagnosed and monitored quickly and painlessly just by breathing, using gas sensing technology developed by a Cambridge spin-out.

New materials offer solutions to energy production challenges

New materials will have a central role in many of the energy applications of the future. For instance, inexpensive and environmentally friendly thermoelectric materials will be capable of converting waste heat into electricity ...

Biodiesel algae: Starvation diets damage health

It may be better to tolerate lower oil content in algae grown for biodiesel to boost growth and overall productivity, says research from the University of Sheffield.

Locust's visual system inspiring new technology

The way in which the locust's distinctive visual system could be transferred into technology for state of the art vehicle collision sensors, surveilance technology and video games has been detailed as part of robotics research ...

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