Carbon nanostructures grow under extreme particle bombardment

( —Nanostructures, such as graphene and carbon nanotubes, can develop under far extremer plasma conditions than was previously thought. Plasmas (hot, charged gases) are already widely used to produce interesting ...

Non-equilibrium quantum states in atmospheric chemistry

(—Research that sheds new light on the microscopic chemical physics driving one of the most important reaction sequences in atmospheric chemistry is published in Science today by Dr David Glowacki from the University ...

Making microscopic machines using metallic glass

Researchers in Ireland have developed a new technology using materials called bulk metallic glasses to produce high-precision molds for making tiny plastic components. The components, with detailed microscopically patterned ...

Accounting for scale in catalysis

( -- Depicting a catalyst's behavior in the real world just got a lot easier, thanks to scientists in the Institute for Interfacial Catalysis (IIC) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. They used complex calculations ...

Red-hot research could lead to new materials

( -- Recent experiments to create a fast-reacting explosive by concocting it at the nanoscopic level could result in more spectacular firework displays. But more impressive to the Missouri University of Science ...

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