Microplastics in the Cauvery River may be harming fish

Pollutants like microplastics may be causing growth defects in fish, including skeletal deformities, in the Cauvery River, a new study reveals. Published in the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, the study was ...

Flowers' unseen colors can help ensure pollination, survival

You can't see it, but different substances in the petals of flowers create a "bulls-eye" for pollinating insects, according to a Clemson University scientist whose research sheds light on chemical changes in flowers which ...

Sustainable leather, yarn and paper—from bread-eating fungi

Your next trendy handbag could be fashioned from "leather" made from a fungus. Today, researchers will describe how they have harnessed this organism to convert food waste into sustainable faux leather, as well as paper products ...

Visualizing the microscopic world of fast ions in fusion devices

The U.S. scientific community is currently conceptualizing the first nuclear fusion power plants, which will revolutionize energy production. Like the sun and stars, a fusion power plant will produce energy by fusing light ...

A shock-induced mechanism for the creation of organic molecules

Complex carbon-based molecules are everywhere in the Cosmos.  How many of these molecules are formed is still something of a mystery, particularly for carbon molecules formed by nature on primordial Earth that gave rise ...

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