Computing power solves molecular mystery

Chemical reactions take place around us all the time—in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and in the factories that make products we use in everyday life. And those reactions are unexpectedly fast. Given optimal conditions, ...

Nobarrier to applications for a remarkable 2-D material

Mass production of large, uniform sheets of single-layer molybdenum disulfide, MoS2, is difficult, which limits its commercial application. A*STAR researchers have modified an existing manufacturing technique to enable the ...

Digital penicillin production

TU Wien and Sandoz GmbH have successfully implemented a real-time computer simulation of the complex growth behaviour of penicillin producing organisms. This simulation now helps to keep the production process under control.

Bacteria produce more substances than hitherto assumed

Streptomyces chartreusis is an antibiotic-producing bacterium that releases more metabolites into the surrounding medium than scientists previously assumed based on genomic analysis. Many of the substances are likely released ...

Big impact, tiny element—hydrogen power on the nanoscale

Using hydrogen for energy production is nothing new. But with his research, Carnegie Mellon University Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Ph.D. candidate Ajay Pisat hopes to unlock its full potential as a primary, mainstream ...

Zeolite catalysts pave the road to decentral chemical processes

Fuel from waste? It is possible. But hitherto, converting organic waste to fuel has not been economically viable. Excessively high temperatures and too much energy are required. Using a novel catalyst concept, researchers ...

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