New drug inhibits the growth of cancer cells

A newly developed compound starves cancer cells by attacking their "power plants"—the so-called mitochondria. The new compound prevents the genetic information within mitochondria from being read. Researchers from the Max ...

An open-access tool to accelerate drug discovery

Knowledge of how a molecule interacts with the organism is crucial in order to consider its therapeutic potential. Headed by ICREA researcher Patrick Aloy, the Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology (SBNS) lab at IRB ...

Let there be light: Synthesizing organic compounds

Every biological reaction is a chemical reaction. The exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen in our lungs and blood cells, for example, is caused by molecules releasing chemicals and reforming with new ones. The uncontrolled ...

'MasSpec Pen' for accurate cancer detection during surgery

A major challenge for cancer surgeons is to determine exactly where a tumor starts and where it ends. Removing too much tissue can impair normal functions, but not taking enough can mean the disease could recur. The "MasSpec ...

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