Synchronization of ice cores using volcanic ash layers

Thin, brownish layers of a thickness of about a millimeter or two are sometimes observed in the whitish/transparent ice cores. These brown layers consist of material originating from volcanic eruptions.

Sailors leave ancient 'fingerprints' across Polynesia

A long-standing debate on the colonisation process of Oceania has been put to rest with new research finding Polynesia was deliberately settled in one of the greatest maritime migrations in human history.

Detecting biomarkers on faraway planets

( —On Earth, life leaves telltale signals in the atmosphere. Photosynthesis is ultimately responsible for the high oxygen levels and the thick ozone layer. Microbes emit methane and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere, ...

Key link found in Cosmic Distance Ladder

( —When observing the bright explosion of a White Dwarf star in our neighbouring galaxy last year, researchers from The Australian National University collected the largest ever data set on what they recognised ...

Forensic scientists recover fingerprints from foods

( —Forensic scientists at the University of Abertay Dundee have recovered latent fingerprints from foods – publishing the UK's first academic paper on this subject.

Breath test identifies bacteria's fingerprint

(—Scientists have identified the chemical 'fingerprints' given off by specific bacteria when present in the lungs, potentially allowing for a quick and simple breath test to diagnose infections such as tuberculosis.

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