Chemicals pollutants threaten health in the Arctic

Studies uncover risks and threats to Arctic inhabitant's health that might be due to contaminants brought by warmer air and sea water currents resulting from climate change.

Pa. woman: Chemicals in my water in drilling area

(AP) -- A woman says state environmental officials refused to do follow-up tests after their lab reported her drinking water contained chemicals, but it's unclear where the pollutants came from.

Urban impacts on phosphorus in streams

Although phosphorus is an essential nutrient for all life forms, essential amounts of the chemical element can cause water quality problems in rivers, lakes, and coastal zones. High concentrations of phosphorus in aquatic ...

How is the Arctic Ocean changing?

On coming Wednesday, 15 June, the research vessel Polarstern of the German Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association will set off on its 26th arctic expedition. Over 130 scientists ...

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