Modelling modules lead to higher-quality aluminium

The Norwegian project "Modelling-assisted Innovation for the Aluminium DC Casting Process" (MINAC), has developed modelling tools that show the impact of even minute adjustments to the casting process on casthouse products. ...

Time-lapse movies from an infrared microscope

( —Infrared beams produced at facilities like the National Synchrotron Light Source represent the lower-energy part of the emitted light spectrum, yet are still much brighter than other sources, allowing scientists ...

Smoke signals: Tracking the rapid changes of wildfire aerosols

( —The massive wildfires that recently raged through the Northwest carved trails of tremendous destruction. The stories of these fires—from the devastation to homes and forests to the courageous work of men and ...

Looking for a new gold mine? We've got the map

As published this month in Nature Geoscience, researchers and industry partners have produced the first major 'cat scan of the earth'. Their work reveals a new chart of the sub-continental lithosphere mantle and its potential ...

Analyzing uranium ore concentrate samples

( —A team of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers has pioneered the use of a long-standing technology for a new application—analyzing the chemical composition of uranium samples.

Atmospheric oxygenation three billion years ago

Oxygen appeared in the atmosphere up to 700 million years earlier than we previously thought, according to research published today in the journal Nature, raising new questions about the evolution of early life.

Diamonds grow like trees, but over millions of years

Diamonds consist of highly compressed carbon atoms and develop deep underground at relatively high pressures and temperatures of over 1000 degrees Celsius. Earth scientists from VU University Amsterdam show that diamonds ...

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