Traditional medicine plant could combat drug-resistant malaria

Much of what is now considered modern medicine originated as folk remedies or traditional, Indigenous practices. These customs are still alive today, and they could help address a variety of conditions. Now reporting in ACS ...

Physicists' 2D crystals show promise for advanced electronics

A team of researchers, led by University of Texas at Dallas scientists, has developed a new technique to grow exceptionally large, high-quality crystals that could help make advanced electronics, such as spintronic and magnetic ...

'Fingerprint' of wood can help fight illegal trade

The chemical composition of tropical timber used, for example, for bridges or in window frames, reveals where the trees were growing. This can be used to help trace timber origin and reduce illegal trade.

Seeing through sediment reveals Red Sea tectonics

Geologists have long contested the structure of the Red Sea. Many regard it as an extended rift basin where two continental plates are actively moving apart, while others see it as a fully developed ocean with a mid-ocean ...

Discovering new worlds with quantitative spectroscopy

Astronomers from the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) and the Vatican Observatory (VO) teamed up to spectroscopically survey more than 1,000 bright stars that potentially host exoplanets.

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