Researchers discover a mechanism of drug resistance

( -- Antibiotics are used for everything from squelching strep throat to suppressing the immune system after an organ transplant. Many antibiotics are produced by molds similar to those found on a slice of bread ...

Dutch astronaut's cheesy request

Dutch astronaut Andre Kuipers will have a special treat waiting for him in orbit when he arrives in space next month: five kilogrammes of Amsterdam's finest cheese, its maker said Saturday.

Wine consumption declining in France

( -- If asked what you associate France with, you're most likely to say fashion, cheese and of course ... wine. But a new study shows that the Frenchman and Frenchwoman's love of wine may be losing its edge, as ...

Searching for the ultimate blue cheese

It’s the champagne of the cheese world and the gastronomic pride of the East Midlands but now blue cheeses like Stilton are literally under the microscope in a quest for the best possible quality.

Keeping queso fresco fresh

Queso fresco, a quintessential ingredient in Mexican cuisine, would retain higher quality in supermarket display cases if stored at a lower temperature. That's the conclusion of a report presented here today at the 239th ...

Climate concerns turn city's smell into cash cow

(AP) -- The smell of manure hangs over Greeley as it has for half a century. These days it's more than just a potent reminder of the region's agricultural roots and the hundreds of thousands of cattle raised on the city's ...

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