A 'check engine' light for the human body?

Imagine a sensor implanted in your body that signals when you're getting sick -- almost like the "check engine" light in a car. That scenario sounds like pure fantasy, but it may be closer to reality than many people think, ...

Soon the government check won't be in the mail

(AP) -- Before too long, the government check will no longer be in the mail. Officials have settled on the dates when millions of people will no longer be able to get their Social Security and other benefit checks by mail.

Payday proximity changes consumer motives and behavior

As any nine-to-fiver will testify, a new paycheck brings with it a familiar sense of freedom, albeit one that dwindles in lockstep with the balance in one's checking account. But, it's not the checking account size that influences ...

New wave of banking: Check deposit via smart-phone photo

Customers at Chase Bank have a new way to deposit checks: Just snap, snap and tap. Chase has introduced an iPhone application allowing consumers to deposit checks with the camera-enabled smart device, which means no more ...

Doing More with Your Cell Phone

(PhysOrg.com) -- As technology shrinks, and as it becomes possible to unplug and still conduct all of your business from a hand-held device, we demand more convenience. And there are two entities leading the way in developing ...

When is it safe to hire someone with a criminal record?

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have created a model for providing empirical evidence on when an ex-convict has been "clean" long enough to be considered "redeemed" for employment purposes.

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