Long live the doubly charmed particle

Finding a new particle is always a nice surprise, but measuring its characteristics is another story and just as important. Less than a year after announcing the discovery of the particle going by the snappy name of Ξcc++ (Xicc++), ...

Physicists publish observation of the 'Charming Socialites'

Protons and neutrons, the particles in an atomic nucleus, are made of smaller pieces called "quarks." Some types of quarks can form particles that exhibit surprising behaviors. Mark Mattson, Ph.D., assistant professor-research, ...

Belle discovers new heavy 'exotic hadrons'

(PhysOrg.com) -- Two unexpected new hadrons containing bottom quarks have been discovered by the Belle Experiment using the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)'s B Factory (KEKB), a highly-luminous, electron-positron ...

Observation of four-charm-quark structure

The strong interaction is one of the fundamental forces of nature, which binds quarks into hadrons such as the proton and the neutron, the building blocks of atoms. According to the quark model, hadrons can be formed by two ...

LHCb catches fast-spinning charmonium particle

The LHCb collaboration has spotted a new particle. Its mass and other properties place it squarely in the charmonium family that includes the better-known J/ψ particle, which was the first particle containing a "charm quark" ...

Physicists discover family of tetraquarks

Physicists in the Syracuse University College of Arts and Sciences have made science history by confirming the existence of a rare four-quark particle and discovering evidence of three other "exotic" siblings.

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