Phone charger can place user on malware alert

( —More smartphones, more smartphone apps, and more busy smartphone users downloading apps have become attractive magnets for malware agents. A new category has grown up, not just general malware software but "mobile ...

Time reversal findings may open doors to the future

(—Imagine a cell phone charger that recharges your phone remotely without even knowing where it is; a device that targets and destroys tumors, wherever they are in the body; or a security field that can disable ...

Energizer Duo battery charger hides a Trojan

( -- The Energizer Duo USB battery charger has been hiding a backdoor Trojan in its software that affects computers using Windows. According to Symantec the Trojan has probably been there since 10th May 2007.

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Charger may refer to:

In sports:

In cars:

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