Study proposes roadmap for integrating edge AI into farming

The rise of advanced artificial intelligence (edge AI) could well mark the beginning of a new era for sustainable agriculture. A recent study proposes a roadmap for integrating this technology into farming practices. The ...

How tiny cracks lead to large-scale faults

The geological and topographical features that make up the world we live in are shaped in large part by faults and fractures in Earth's brittle crust. Faults arise from preexisting microscopic imperfections within rock. When ...

Living in a 'mass extinction'

What does it mean to be living through Earth's 6th mass extinction event? How does it feel to be living through one of the most calamitous events in this planet's history? And what are we supposed to do?

Soybean seed hardness demystified: Key genes and networks uncovered

Vegetable soybeans are valued for their taste and nutritional benefits, but consumer preferences for seed hardness vary across regions. Chinese consumers prefer softer seeds, while African consumers favor moderately hard ...

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