Nontoxic ceramic could replace lead-based electronic components

The ceramic produced in Prof. Igor Lubomirsky's lab at the Weizmann Institute of Science seemed too good to be true. It belongs to a class of materials that are the backbone of many essential technologies but that unfortunately ...

CeO₂ nanoparticles: A double-edged sword for aquatic algal life

A new study reveals significant alterations in growth, photosynthetic activity, and gene expression of freshwater algae due to cerium oxide nanoparticles. This research highlights the complex interactions between these microscopic ...

Long-lasting disinfectant promises to help fight pandemics

University of Central Florida researchers have developed a nanoparticle-based disinfectant that can continuously kill viruses on a surface for up to seven days—a discovery that could be a powerful weapon against COVID-19 ...

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