Next generation of bio-based binders to be developed

The Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) at the University of Waterloo and a biomaterials company started by two Waterloo chemistry graduates are teaming together to make the next generation of biolatex binders for ...

Malawi's bountiful harvests and healthier children

Through research led by Michigan State University, crop yields have increased dramatically. The children of Ekwendi, Malawi, also have gained weight and are taller. These improvements bring smiles to Sieglinde Snapp, MSU ...

Global food prices 'drop 7% in 2012': UN agency

Global food prices fell by 7.0 percent in 2012 from the level the previous year, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation said on Thursday, assuaging worries a few months ago that the world could be heading for a food crisis.

Tasty and gluten-free

Cereals are good for you, supplying the body with carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Yet some people are intolerant to the gluten protein they contain. Now, researchers are developing new recipes for tasty, gluten-free ...

Global food prices jump 1.4% in September

Global food prices rose by 1.4 percent in September after holding steady for two months as cereals, meat and dairy prices climbed, the UN Food and Agricultural Organization said Thursday.

UN director presses US to cut biofuel output

The head of the UN's Food and Agricultural Organization urged the United States to halt its biofuel output to prevent a food crisis, in an editorial published by the Financial Times on Friday.

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