An overlooked piece of the solar dynamo puzzle

A previously unobserved mechanism is at work in the Sun's rotating plasma: a magnetic instability, which scientists had thought was physically impossible under these conditions. The effect might even play a crucial role in ...

Image: ESA's Large Diameter Centrifuge at full speed

ESA's Large Diameter Centrifuge at the Agency's technical heart in the Netherlands is seen running here at full speed. The 8-m diameter four-arm centrifuge gives researchers access to a range of hypergravity environments ...

Hubble watches spun-up asteroid coming apart

A small asteroid has been caught in the process of spinning so fast it's throwing off material, according to new data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and other observatories.

New space instrument goes for a spin

Scientists and engineers at Los Alamos National Laboratory are using a unique centrifuge facility to evaluate a flight-ready telemetry system for evaluating a nuclear weapons test missile launch.

Engineering a new spin for disease diagnostics

Researchers at the National University of Singapore have created a new platform with the potential to extract tiny circulating biomarkers of disease from patient blood. This simple, fast and convenient technique could help ...

Researchers discover new ways to streamline uranium enrichment

Building and operating multistage sorters for enriching uranium used in nuclear power plants requires major investment. MEPhI researchers have calculated performance criteria that could lower construction costs for plants ...

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