Related topics: population

Odds of living a very long life lower than formerly predicted

Research just published by a team of demographers at the social science research organization NORC at the University of Chicago contradicts a long-held belief that the mortality rate of Americans flattens out above age 80.

Minorities pay more for water and sewer

Racial minorities pay systemically more for basic water and sewer services than white people, according to a study by Michigan State University researchers.

Individual CO2 emissions decline in old age

For the first time, demographer Emilio Zagheni of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock (MPIDR) has calculated a profile that illustrates the relationship between age and average per capita CO2 emissions. ...

Study shows suburban schools have worked to 'hoard' advantages

As suburban school districts have gained advantages over their urban counterparts, they have tenaciously clung to them, often at the expense of urban districts, a new study by University of Kansas researchers shows.

China to launch panda census

China is set to launch its once-a-decade panda census, state media reported Monday, as it tries to determine how many of the endangered animals live in the wild amid efforts to boost numbers.

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