Related topics: population

Census: Whites no longer a majority in US by 2043

White people will no longer make up a majority of Americans by 2043, according to new census projections. That's part of a historic shift that already is reshaping the nation's schools, workforce and electorate, and is redefining ...

Manchester boasts 153 languages

(—Linguists at The University of Manchester have discovered their city boasts of at least 153 languages, making it one of the world's most diverse places.

3Qs: Examining the changing nature of marriage

A recent report from the Pew Research Center high­lighted that 4.2 mil­lion adults were newly mar­ried in 2011, which is a decline from the 4.5 mil­lion new­ly­weds esti­mated in 2008. The esti­mates come from the ...

Has the internet lead to fewer male drivers on the road?

(—While both young and middle-aged men and women are less likely to have a driver's license today than nearly 20 years ago, the proportion of male motorists is declining at a higher rate, according to University ...

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